1. Define Header some where in the
page as per requirement. (call header )
<?template: header?>
<?end template?>
<?end template?>
2. For body Contents
<?end body?>
<?end body?>
3. Last Page Only Content: Insert the
following syntax on the final page:
<?end body?>
4. Sort (Data sorting)
Sort descending
multiple sort tags
5. Oracle Number Format Mask
6. Page Breaks:
7. Arithmetical Calculated Fields:
<?field1 + field2?>
<?field1 – field2?>
<?field1 * field2?>
<?field1 / field2?>
8. Dynamic data columns:
-- Dynamic Column Header
<?split-column-header:group element name?>
<?split-column-header:group element name?>
-- Dynamic Column Data
<?split-column-data: group element name?>
<?split-column-data: group element name?>
9. Rows per page:
-- Define row counter variable in a form field
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’, 0)?>
-- Increment counter for each line (again in a
form field)
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’, xdoxslt:
get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’) + 1)?>
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’, xdoxslt:
get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’) + 1)?>
-- Break if the number of rows is reached (say
6 rows in this example)
<?if: xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’) mod 6=0?>
<?end if?
<?if: xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Counter’) mod 6=0?>
<?end if?
10. Re-grouping XML Data:
-- Not limited by the structure of the data source Use the tags
<?end for-each-group?>
-- Can establish nested groupings
<?for-each:current-group(); GROUPING-ELEMENT?>
<?end for-each-group?>
<?for-each:current-group(); GROUPING-ELEMENT?>
<?end for-each-group?>
11. Conditional Cell Highlighting
-- Allows to conditionally highlight
individual cells, columns, or rows in final output.
<xsl:attribute xdofo:ctx=”block” name=”background-color”>COLOR
<xsl:attribute xdofo:ctx=”block” name=”background-color”>COLOR
12. Page totals:
-- Declare variable to hold page totals,
following data element declaration
-- Display total field
13. If no data found message in a
<?if:CS_CNT_ORD =0?>*************NO DATA
FOUND*************<?end if?>
14. SQL Functions
-- lpad function
-- Concatenation Function
-- rpad function
-- trim function
<?xdoxslt:trim(‘ a ‘)?>
<?xdoxslt:trim(‘ a ‘)?>
-- ltrim function
<?xdoxslt:ltrim(‘ a ‘)?>
<?xdoxslt:ltrim(‘ a ‘)?>
-- rtrim function
<?xdoxslt:rtrim(‘ a ‘)?>
<?xdoxslt:rtrim(‘ a ‘)?>
-- decode function
-- Instr function
-- Instr function
-- substr function
-- left function
<?xdoxslt:left(‘abcdefg’, 3)?>
<?xdoxslt:left(‘abcdefg’, 3)?>
-- right function
<?xdoxslt:right(‘abcdefg’, 3)?>
<?xdoxslt:right(‘abcdefg’, 3)?>
-- replace function
-- to_number function
-- sysdate function
-- lower
<?xdofx:lower (char)?>
<?xdofx:lower (char)?>
-- upper
-- length
-- Returns the minimum value of the
element in the set
-- Returns the maximum value of the
element in the set.
-- Copy the Current Node
Use this element to create a copy of the current node.
XSL Syntax: <xsl:copy-of select=”name”>
BI Publisher Tag: <?copy-of:name?>
Use this element to create a copy of the current node.
XSL Syntax: <xsl:copy-of select=”name”>
BI Publisher Tag: <?copy-of:name?>
15. Call Template
XSL Syntax: <xsl:call-template name=”name”>
BI Publisher Tag: <?call-template:name?>
xxx-1) Call Template – Template Declaration
XSL Syntax: <xsl:template name=”name”>
BI Publisher Tag: <?template:name?>