Thursday 23 June 2016

Warning!!! Due to high volume of data, got out of memory exception

While running a BI publisher report we normally uses XDODTE executable which is nothing but a java executable, It runs on a JVM. Sometimes when the JVM is overloaded with process it throws below error

Warning!!! Due to high volume of data, got out of memory exception
Please retry with scalable option or modify the Data template to run in scalable mode.

This issue can be resolved by running the concurrent program with jvm options


System Administration-->concurrent-->Program-->Define

and change the option for a suitable jvm value such as

-Xss2560k -Xmx2560m

Xss Sets the JVM to 2.5GB .
Xmx Sets heap size to 2.5 GB. ( For 32 bit JVM this is the maximum memory which can be allocated).

Now run the concurrent program again and your issue will be resolved.

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